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Creating Forms With HTML

It is useful to have a means of collecting data within a HTML document.

There are several tags in HTML that can be added to a document

to create a variety of data collection fields.

The FORM Tag

The FORM Tag is used to contain the tags listed below

  • INPUT into Single Line Text Entry Field
  • INPUT into Check Boxes
  • INPUT into Radio Buttons
  • SELECT from Pull Down Menus
  • SELECT from Scroll Boxes
  • TEXTAREA for inputing multi line text data
  • SUBMIT Push Button
  • RESET Push Button

INPUT into Single-Line Text Entry Field

The INPUT and TYPE tag are used to setup

a field SIZE of 30 character length to input TEXT data.

Please type your name here:


INPUT into Check Boxes

The INPUT and TYPE tag are used to setup CHECKBOXes for Pizza sizes on one line.

What size pizza would you like to order?

Small  Medium  Large  X-Large

INPUT into Radio Buttons

The INPUT and TYPE tag are used to setup RADIO buttons for honest opinion on one line.

This is the best document that I have ever read!

Strongly Agree  Agree  No Opinion  Disagree  Strongly Disagree

SELECT from Pull Down Menus

The SELECT Tag is used with the OPTION Tag to create a drop down menu
that can be used to select from a list of possible items

Please pick one of these Ohio cities for your vacation:

SELECT from Pull Down Menus

The SELECT Tag is used with the OPTION Tag to create a drop down menu

that can be used to select from a list of possible items.

 By adding the SIZE attribute the menu is change to Scroll Box

Please pick the Ohio city where you would not want to vacation:


TEXTAREA tag for inputing multi line text data

Please take the time to leave your comment(s) below:

RESET Push Button

If you have entered you data correctly you can move on to SUBMIT.

 If you have really made a great mess of things and need to reset

to default values let us know by pressing the button.

SUBMIT Push Button

Now that a form has been correctly completed,

the collected data needs to be SUBMITTED somewhere.

 Please SUBMIT the form now.

Please send your inquiries and comments to:

Anthony Parnell Mauldin
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2018
Updated: 09-01-2014

This web page was edited with BlueGriffon